Monday, January 31, 2011

30 Studies

This assignment was a challenge for me, not just due to the time constraints, but also due to my lack of previous skill with painting and drawing. As I have said photo is what I have studied and what comes natural to me. I shot a few photos for the assignment, all portraits. I wanted to experiment with sketching, painting, and collaging. I had a lot of fun with working with a variety or different mediums, and combining more than one medium in a piece.
For me, the most experimental studies are the tree sketch, and anything with painting. I had never worked with oils before, so more than anything it was a lot of playing with color and brush strokes. Sketching is something I have never spent time doing, and always been told I was bad at. My tree sketch is something I am actually proud of, and made me want to sketch more.

Looking at all the experiments I created made me realize I want to use more than just one medium in my larger project. I like combining painting, photography, sketching, and collaging into a piece. As far as themes I noticed in my work; a lot of repetition, as far as color, words, objects. I am not sure why I was so big on repetition, but it something I would like to incorporate with my larger project.

Looking at the lists I wrote, a lot of the words are incorporated in my work. I didn't look at the lists much during the project, but apparently what I wrote down is what goes through my head when I make art. I had written down line, color, photo, words, and repetition. All which are shown in my works.